The Morning After Pain - Cruciate Crural Ligament
Word to the wise (or is that unwise): Don't run in flip-flops. Last night I joined the Dude for some running, chasing, etc. in the field behind our house. Of course I was wearing the cheapest down-market flip-flops I've ever owned. They were $2.99 at Nokomis Shoe Shop. I thought all was going well, in fact my knee didn't even hurt. Wow - running without knee pain. Perhaps I should throw out my $85 running shoes and use cheap flip-flops from now on.
No - - woke up this morning, and it hurts here:
No - - woke up this morning, and it hurts here:
The cruciate crural ligament is a Y-shaped band placed in front of the ankle-joint, the stem of the Y being attached laterally to the upper surface of the calcaneus, in front of the depression for the interosseous talocalcanean ligament; it is directed medialward as a double layer, one lamina passing in front of, and the other behind, the tendons of the Peronæus tertius and Extensor digitorum longus.