Walking Faster?

Lately I feel that I'm walking faster. When crossing the parking lot at work, or on the path at noon, I keep passing people. I don't feel like I'm exerting any more effort. In fact, I feel more relaxed than usual. Must be that Yoga.

There he goes again, extolling the virtues of Yoga. Keep my personal history in mind: I started out as a rather inflexible kid. I fell in love with running at age 13 (8th Grade - Cross Country) and began running year round at 15. Only recently have I had to let up. By my calculations, that's 25 years of continuous running on a body that was stiff to begin with.

Yoga has loosened my whole body, particularly my hips and shoulders. Perhaps I have better motion in my legs and am using my arms to propel me when walking - - something I might not have done before?


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