Dhaka - State Fair Without Pronto-Pups

Not my idea of a good time, but then I'm kind of a homebody. The mother-in-law provides an email update from their "big trip". Here's her brief description of Dhaka, Bangladesh:

yesterday we did a river ride. it is very hot and humid. we sweat just standing still. millions of people on the streets. we walked through the "kitchen" market and through some vendors of everything you might need. i think it is more crowed even than the mn state fair. it is like a hugeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee ant hill. horns honking. .....oh, my the electric just went off and thank goodness my draft was saved. the electric does this every once in awhile...then comes back on...

My cousin David lived in Dhaka for a time. I recall him returning home with Malaria after his house was lost in a flood.


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