Painting a Parking Lot

Busy weekend. Spent most of Saturday – 10:30 am to 6:00 outside. It was a cool, very windy, and very sunny day. The Dude and I have the sunburn to prove it. Saturday was the groundbreaking for an extensive landscaping project at the Dude’s school. Part of the festivities involved painting the parking lot. I think the upper school kids (7, 8 grades) designed the picture and everyone got to pitch in to paint.

Here is the Dude standing alongside the creation this morning. I personally painted about three of those lime-green doves. Rocky asphalt is not the easiest surface to paint. It worked best to sort of slop it on – though we liked to call it “daubing” for fear that the young paint crew would go overboard on the “slopping”.

Sunday – M sang at Church, followed by piano recitals for both kids, then back to Church for evening spring choir concert.

And now for something completely different – What are these white markings on these leaves? It looks like someone dipped them in white paint (wait – I guess that makes this kind of related). The Hobbled Wife suspects a mold.


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