Worst Day/ Favorite Day

Here's an interesting project:
Does each day of the week have its own colour? This question has long intrigued the designer Johanna Balušíková, culminating in the Colour Of The Day project: an investigation into colour associations and their relationships to specific days of the week.

This reminded me of a former colleague who had a unique perspective on the days of the week. He argued that Monday (the classical day of doom) was not the worst day of the week - in fact it was only the 2nd worst. Here's how he laid it out:

Monday: 2nd worst - 6th place - you've just had two days off and (if you like your job, or at least like your colleagues) you are looking forward to arriving at the office and catching with friends/colleagues.

Tuesday: THE WORST - Last - seventh of seven - the anticipation and excitement of Monday has worn off and now you realize you are stuck in cubeville for the forseeable future.

Wednesday: "Hump Day" is 5th place- not too bad, end in sight.

Thursday: Fourth place - end in sight, but still not there yet. A lot could happen before Friday.

Friday: Third best - you made it, last day. Lots of excitement, talk of the coming weekend, etc.

Saturday: Numero Uno - the best - your day - free of the shackles of "the man".

Sunday: Second best - still all yours, but a bit of nervous anticipatin about the coming week.

Anyone who complained about Monday was subject to a ten minute sermon explaining how Monday was not the worst day of the week, then he launched into the above explanation. I really don't do it justice.


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