Rubberband Man

I've been meaning to post about the explosion of rubberbands worn about the wrist. This post won't do it justice, but perhaps it's just a start.

Here's my timeline: WWJD - the What Would Jesus Do craze of a few years back, followed by the more recent Livestrong - or whatever the yellow Lance Armstrong cancer foundation ones say. Then there are the various purple or blue or red ones for various Bush, anti-Bush sentiments. Received a pink one myself for donating some $ to breast cancer research - M now wears it. Last one I saw was also red - received by Mrs. Hobbled for donating blood.

I won't go into how I feel about the rubberband craze, since I'm not exactly sure - love that people feel strongly about causes - enough that they contribute money, time, etc. - but ...

Anyway, this morning on the way into preschool with the Dude, I looked down and saw he was sporting a light purple rubberband on his right wrist. "What's that?" I asked.

"Oh, it's my Spy Kids gadget. I found it in the house."

Anyone who has seen the Spy Kids movie (the first I believe), the uncle outfits the kids with various spy gadgets including a plain old rubber band. When the boy protests, the uncle counters that it is a "extra special" gadget designed to be used only as a last resort. Of course, near the end of the show, in a moment of grave peril, the boy takes it off his wrist and uses it to save his live or some such thing.

Upon closer inspection, I saw that the Dude's purple band had a message. It read, "4080 produce of Peru".

One of those grocery store rubberbands. The kind that come around asparagus or broccoli.

The perfect anti-statement.


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