I'm Walking Dammit

After being cooped up for days, avoiding highs in the 90's, I braved the weather and went for what I used to call my "regular" noon-time walk. Kind of nice actually, about 88, very sunny, slight breeze. Felt good to breath real air for a change. Summer has lots of nice smells. I observed various wild-flowers - (the ones we called weeds when I was a kid) - very sweet on such a blisteringly hot day. Lots of bees and butterflys zipping about. I love the crunchy feel the grass takes on when it gets hot for so long. Aside: the company could avoid that crunchy feeling by halting their very-regular mowing schedule when it gets this hot - - Lord knows they water enough, so green grass is not impossible, but they seem to insist on keeping the mowers busy.

PM Update - More walking - I took the short-cut over to the next building for a meeting. The short-cut involves going outside rather than through "my" building and across the skyway that connects it to it's neighboring building. Did that TWICE - got there first at 1:00, and it appeared the meeting was OFF, so I went back across the parking lot to my office, only to discover that the meeting was ON. So back I went. By now it was about 92F - and probably about 115F with the heat radiating off the parking lot. Enough fresh air. Damn meetings!


amy said…
You should connect your company up with some prairie planting company! Then they wouldn't have to mow except once a year!

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