Blown Away
Work continues on the Crosson-Gisselquist Christmas Card and letters. Don't worry, they will be in the mail tomorrow. I promise no better next year. Yes, it feels good to admit that. Our Christmas cards will seldom, if ever, arrive before Christmas. Our goal is to deliver them before New Years Day. I've stopped kicking myself for not getting them done sooner - and that makes all the difference in the world.
Walked to Kinko's to pick up copies of the Christmas letter this morning and decided to make a real walk of it - by taking the long way home. I snapped the picture above while leaning into a fierce SW wind whipping across the fields maintained by the University of Minnesota's College of Food, Agriculture and Natural Resources. It's great living near the U Fields, kind of like having a farm in the city. When we first moved to Roseville in 2001, they U still kept some cattle in one field - but that's since been converted to a turf grass research site - boring, but less smelly.
In the end, I didn't blow away and I even saw a tumble-weed blow by - a post-Christmas first for me!
Spent the morning at home, doing laundry, addressing Christmas Cards, etc. In the afternoon, we were visiting with Auntie Amy (Shana's sister) and my nephew Max (age 2 1/2), who are in town for a few days. Tomorrow we have brunch with family friends, then hope to visit Como Zoo with Max.