Yard Bird

This post has nothing to do with "the" Yardbirds, or Eric Clapton, Jimmy Page, or Jeff Beck. This is a more mundane post about an interesting addition to my "Yard List" - the list of birds I've spotted in my yard or ones that I've seen while standing in my yard. Most birders allow a "yard list" to contain birds seen from your yard, which is how I can claim a bald eagle, observed overhead, but never landing in my yard.
Stepped out the front door this morning and heard the distinctive tremelo of a Common Loon. This is a common occurence at "the cabin" but something almost never heard in the TC area. I've seen loons in the early spring or late fall on Twin Cities area lakes - but those are migrating, making their way south from their breeding grounds in northern Minnesota.
I continued to hear the call for about 10 seconds, so I scanned the sky hoping to catch a glimpse. Sure enough it flew directly overhead, from SW to NE. Odd.