Minnehaha Falls

Glorious afternoon in Minnesota. After several weeks of August like weather - hot, humid - we had a wonderful day. It was sunny, dry, breezy, with a high temperature of only 70 or 75. What made the day great was that I had the afternoon off. After picking up the kids from their morning at Summer Academy, we headed off to Minnehaha Falls where we did all the usual things - and one new, exciting thing.

We hiked down along the creek to its confluence with the Mississippi River - about a mile, then hiked back. The kids spent some time wading in the creek, then climbed the 134 steps to the "top" where we treated ourselves to ice-cream at the Sea Salt - poor selection today - Ginger, "with real ginger", and the only Chocolate they had was Chocolate Banana with some other ingredient. Both kids settled for vanilla.

Tried something new today - bike rental. These are not really "bikes" of the two wheeled variety. You can select from a number of makes and models - we opted for some sort of "surrey" - (Yes, it even had fringe on top.) It sat three across, with two of us pedaling, and one steering with a steering wheel. M was given the chance to "take the wheel" and she almost ran us off the path. I forget how hard it is to steer with a steering wheel that first time. Every time she needed to make a slight adjustment, she spun the wheel, and we went flying. Lots of fun - the Dude just about peed his pants laughing. All I know is that when it comes time for one of the parents to teach M how to drive, the Hobbled Wife can have the honor.
