
Busy and productive weekend. We (belatedly) celebrated M's tenth birthday on Saturday night. Nine girls and one little brother at the Shoreview Community Center for swimming, pizza, cake - and swimming. Lots of fun.
In between the usual stuff - laundry, various grocery and library related errands, breaking up fights between brother and sister - I found time to stain the Rainbow Play Thing. With a little help from the Dude, I completed the job in a few hours - though it had to be spread out over two days. If you are in the neighborhood, stop by for a swing.
Oh - and I ran a little over 2 miles on today, and biked about 4 or 5 on Saturday. Feeling a little Hobbled - right knee kind of stiff, but I think I'll survive. I'm in training for the Looney Days race - old link but you get the idea. (Don't tell Jake.)