Could It Be?

In the midst of the rain and yuck that has defined the last few days, Duke and I came upon this certain sign of spring on our morning walk. This (tulip?) was sprouting outside the Fairview Community Center. I suspect that little patch of earth gets warm as the it faces generally south-east and on sunny days the building radiates heat into the ground. Hope it lasts!

We've made it safely to Thursday and the weekend is in sight. M performed last night and will take stage on Friday and Sunday as well. Then it's done. Whew!

Duke does his best to drive Shana and I crazy. He's started to wake up in the middle of the night to "go out". Last night he awoke at 3:30 (I took him out), 4:00 (Shana drew short straw), then 5:00 (me again). The fun never ends.


Lisa said…
You might as well have another baby-- pretty sure a newborn is less work that Duke.
Suefunky said…
When I first read this, I thought it said "Dude' was waking you up - which I thought was odd.

Then when I realized "Duke" it all made sense. Otto got us up at 4:30 for a snack. Perpetual toddlers, I say.

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