Racing Buses
M and I were home together on Friday. It was her last day of Spring break, and I took the day off because I was volunteering in the Dude's classroom. It was the day of my big Art Adventure presentation, where another parent and I led a discussion on some works of art from the Minneapolis Institute of Art and then facilitated an art project. Yes, I'm an MIA trained "picture person". Very fun.
After leaving school, we picked up Mr. H. His entire family was under-the-weather, and the poor little guy (age 4) was bouncing off the walls. He is a big fan of M, and M agreed to watch him for few hours.
The photo shows them racing buses down the very long ramp they constructed in the family room using boxes from a piece of Ikea furniture we were assembling. It wasn't enough that it went from the couch along the wall all the way across the family room. No, they had to open the sliding doors, find some more boxes, and extend it out across the deck. Great fun!
A headless Mr. H rushes out to the deck with more cardboard. Longer yet!