Meeting History

I met history today - Bud Kraehling – at the Minnesota History Center of all places. How appropriate. We had a nice, short chat. Bud told me he volunteers one day a week at MNHS. Today he was staffing the front desk in his role as official greeter. He's looking good. I didn't ask him about the weather.

For Minnesotans of a certain age, Bud was the weather-man (yes, "weatherman" - this was the days before meteorologists) on WCCO-TV (channel 4) for about 40 years.

Later the Dude noted that Bud shares the same name as a resident bird at the Minnesota Raptor Center - - Bud the Bald Eagle.

The Dude is still off for winter break, so we took some time this AM to see the MN 150 exhibit.


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