Art - It's a Girlie Thing

Enjoyed a cold day away from the office. Since I was going to the Minneapolis Institute of Arts to be trained as a "Picture Person" I decided to take the whole day off and enjoy myself. I'm now a trained Art Adventures volunteer:

The Art Adventure Program introduces K-6 students to works of art from a variety of cultures. Trained school volunteers visit classrooms with posters of art relating to a common theme, such as animals, celebrations, or relationships.

Myself and another parent will be presenting at the Dude’s school on the topic of People and their Environments.

Funny (or sad) note: Of the 50 or so parents who showed up from around the Twin Cities for the Arts Adventure training, only 3 were men. I think that in general, volunteering in school is a Mom's job. I've seen Dads participate at both the Dude's and M's school, so I know that they are out there. Maybe it's Art - are men not interested? Hmmm - maybe just an unrepresentative sample. Next time, I'm sure all the Dads will show up.


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