Happy New Year and Back Update

File this post under “Things you do when ½ the company is off at the annual sales meeting and you are left behind nursing your broken back.”

You know the New Year is really underway when you finally get around to setting up an archive folder for 2010 and no longer stash emails into last year’s archive.

Back Update:

For a change of pace, I started the day yesterday lying down. Yes, I missed 2 “Stand-Ups” while enjoying a relaxing 60 minutes in the MRI machine. I truly believe that if they asked me one more time, “Are you claustrophobic?” I would have developed a new syndrome: Sudden Onset Claustrophobia. Enough already!

Fun takeaway – I have the films with me as I get to deliver them to the Orthopedic Doc on Monday. I spent some time last night trying to make sense out of the images. One thing I do know – I have a spine and it’s connected to my skull. Another thing, there are some funny white marks at T4 – where I’ve already been told I have a compression fracture. There are a few other white marks near the top and bottom of my Thoracic spine – but I might be seeing things.


julienj said…
Very glad to hear that your spine seems to be connected to your skull...

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