Cabin Weekend
[Dude on trip home]
I've been too busy and or tired to blog lately. Rather than find the right words, I thought I'd fall back on the old adage, "A picture is worth a thousand words" - making this post worth about 3000 and change.
[The Farm]
Short cabin weekend packed with lots of fun. We (finally) put in the dock. Seemed to go pretty easy. Like other years, the work was done entirely by guys named John, ranging in age from 8 to 72. This year's installation went very fast. We were not sure why.
[M on trip home.]
I've been too busy and or tired to blog lately. Rather than find the right words, I thought I'd fall back on the old adage, "A picture is worth a thousand words" - making this post worth about 3000 and change.
[The Farm]
Short cabin weekend packed with lots of fun. We (finally) put in the dock. Seemed to go pretty easy. Like other years, the work was done entirely by guys named John, ranging in age from 8 to 72. This year's installation went very fast. We were not sure why.
[M on trip home.]