Butt Time

As always, I remain interested in finding something that lets me work from home. For now, I live vicariously, enjoying reading about others who work from home.

Devclue points to an interesting WSJ piece on those who work at home. My favorite quote:

It's as if they believe that the people working under their noses don't waste a tremendous amount of time talking about last night's college basketball game, making bids on eBay, or reading only like-minded blogs while on company time. The misconceptions are yet another indication that vacuous symbols of productivity, rather than productivity itself, are all that really count.

A lot of what passes for "work" is just "butt time" - you are expected to put in the 8+ hours at the desk. Don't get me wrong, my present job is one where you have to "be there" - but I often wonder how productive we really are.

Today was a very busy one for me - putting out fires, running off to meetings. I spent the afternoon in what was billed as the "January Channel Launch" meeting. Sound thrilling? Not really.

It had nothing to do with the English Channel or TV Channels. Alas, it was only about Sales Channels. I put on a game face and went down for a listen. The first speaker talked about "creating leverages". Is that possible? I am fluent in "corporate-speak", and I've never heard of "creating leverages." Oh well, apparently we've been doing it - - and quite successfully I might add.

In the end I learned a thing or two - - you always do. But whew-boy - "creating leverages" - maybe "leveraging your creativity" - but - oh well.


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