Power and the Planning Commission

It was time for change at the Planning Commission last night. Our Chair passed away in December. The Vice-Chair moved up to take the Chair's role, leaving that role vacant. Before I knew what was happening, I was nominated and voted in as the new Vice-Chair of the Planning Commission.

It's not something I sought - but sometimes we have greatness thrust upon us. [cough]

I'll try not to let all the power go to my head. On the other hand - the new appointment is just in time for Valentine's Day. Hope the Hobbled Wife remembers the famous Henry Kissinger quote, "Power is the ultimate aphrodisiac."

In other related news . . .

In order to maintain favorable rates on our insurance policy with the League of Minnesota Cities, various city officials who engage in land-use planning activities had to complete an online course. I took mine today - it was actually pretty interesting. Here's a sample question below. [click to enlarge]


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