The Answer to Everything?
Found this funny - and couldn't resist the joke.
From today's New York Times:
My response to Michelle Bachmann – “No, breasts are the answer to everything.”
Inspriation (Source): Tweet from Lenore Skenazy, Free Range Kids.
From today's New York Times:
Mrs. Obama told reporters this month that she would promote breast-feeding, particularly among black women, as part of her campaign to reduce childhood obesity. The Internal Revenue Service then announced that breast pumps, which can cost several hundred dollars, would be eligible for tax breaks.
Ms. Bachmann lashed out at the campaign on Tuesday on Laura Ingraham’s radio show, saying that it reflected a “hard left” position that “government is the answer to everything.”
My response to Michelle Bachmann – “No, breasts are the answer to everything.”
Inspriation (Source): Tweet from Lenore Skenazy, Free Range Kids.