Good Morning - From Just North of Dent

This weekend marks the first time that the Hobbled Runner is taking advantage of the cable modem at the cabin.
Pro: Blogging of cabin events as they happen - rather than waiting until Monday.
Working from the cabin - as I did Friday afternoon on a GoToMeeting conference call.
Con: Can't get the kids out of the house - damn Disney Channel. Also - here I sit typing away whilst the sun rises over the lake.

[Very interesting - a pet cemetery in a state park.]
Yesterday, the Hobbled Wife and I had a little date. The kids were in the mood to hang around the cabin and listen to Harry Potter audio books. It was cloudy and had begun to drizzle. But the Hobbled Wife and I were determined to hike. So off to Glendalough state park - about 25 miles south of here. On the way the clouds broke and we enjoyed a pleasant, cool time at the park. The park was once owned by the Mpls Tribune as a retreat/conference center. Later the paper gave it to the Nature Conservancy who in turn gave it to the State. It's one of our newer state parks.

We traversed the Beaver Pond Trail, and later the little Prairie trail. It was nice to be out and about - minus the whining and fighting, prodding and cajoling that would have been a part of the family experience had we tried to take the kids.
