Too Early for Tomatoes?

We got tomatoes, yes we do.
We got tomatoes, how ‘bout you?

The Hobbled Wife went crazy this year at the Friend’s School Plant Sale, purchasing numerous plants that she is still – to this day – getting into the ground. She had so many tomato plants that she ran out of space in the regular vegetable garden and planted them in large pots and placed them around the yard. This plant is actually in the front yard – not your normal place for vegetables.

Why is it that edible plants usually are planted in the back yard, and flowers planted in front – really anywhere else for that matter? Anyway – she is breaking all the planting rules this year as she scrounges available real estate for her greenery.

Unrelated photo – we got together with my Mom and brother’s family for a joint birthday celebration yesterday – M and Paul’s youngest. Both turned 12 in the past few weeks.


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