Don't Like this Post? - I Planned it That Way
There’s a method to my madness. Even if I could produce quality posts every day, day-after-day, it now seems in my best interest to throw a few lame posts into the mix.
Business Pundit explains it better than I ever could, so I defer to him:
Business Pundit explains it better than I ever could, so I defer to him:
So what happens if the quality of your writing (or music, video, photography, whatever) is stochastic, meaning, what if it is ultimately deterministic but has some random qualities? Users get the same reward as from other high quality media, but because you provide that reward at random intervals, they keep checking in, even when they don't like your content, because they are always looking for that "next hit." If quality is explained as a mixture of several variables that contain elements of personal preference, then it makes sense for digital media outlets to vary and mix these variables in ways that attract different people at different times. That way they can maximize the number of people that visit on a regular basis looking for quality content, but only have to deliver quality content to any given individual at some random interval. In theory, it sounds like a better solution than focusing on providing consistent high quality media to a small niche.