Working Hard?
Or hardly working?
Here's an interesting post at Business Pundit:
Yesterday I had to leave early to meet the kids when they got off the bus. I planned to work only 4 hours. I got more done in that 4 hours because I was focused.
Here's an interesting post at Business Pundit:
We work long because we are trying to avoid working hard. We procrastinate on the tough decisions, then justify our failure by assuming that it couldn't be done. After all, if 60 hours a week can't make it happen, what can?
We praise multitasking when really we should praise focus, because focus is hard and multitasking gives us an excuse (sorry for the mistake, I was on the phone while I did the report and read email on the blackberry...). We praise going through 100 emails to "stay in the loop" when really we should praise the ability to discern what is important and what isn't.
We all have the same amount of time available each day. It's how you use it that is important, not how much you use.
Yesterday I had to leave early to meet the kids when they got off the bus. I planned to work only 4 hours. I got more done in that 4 hours because I was focused.