[Snow on an abandoned blue-bird house along the Waking Path at work.]

Snowing – but my mood is better. Surprisingly my mood improved shortly after arriving home and may have even gotten better DURING the cub scout leader meeting.
Home – everyone gone (even dog) and I was able to do a load of laundry and make dinner for family. It’s nice to actually DO something – accomplish something.

OK – Restart – I’m in a much better mood this today, despite the very weird start.

As part of Duke’s ongoing medical treatment, we were asked to “collect” a urine sample – preferably first thing in the morning. Apparently urine is so much better first thing in the morning.

Picture this: 6:00 a.m. and we step out of the house into the dark morning and a nice combination of freezing rain mixed with snow. I’m holding a pint sized yogurt container – all the better to “collect” my prize. But Duke decides that this morning he’ll do things a little differently.

Unlike every morning, today Duke decides not to pee right away, but proceeds to amble off into the field behind our house. I’m following with the yogurt container at the ready. Surprise – he does #2 first. Great, now I have a plastic bag full in one hand, and the yogurt container in the other. Thinking ahead I remove my gloves and stuff them in my pocket. I don’t want them to get messed up because I have no confidence in my ability to “collect” the sample at 6:00 am in the dark with this snowy, sleety stuff coming down.

Damn – my hands are cold!

Luckily he decides to pee. I get down on my knees, place the yogurt container in what seems the right place. Nope – I’m off – but with a warm, wet hand I quickly adjust and collect a rather large amount for scientific testing.

Now I have a bag full in my right hand, a yogurt container full of pee in the other. Both my hands are wet and cold – though one is wetter and colder than the other.

When I return to the house and report on my success, the Hobbled Wife says, “Good, but you didn’t need to collect that much. They only need a little.”

Yeah – I knew that.

Further medical updates – Dr. Stefan called with more information from the blood test. Duke has high cholesterol. Dr. Stefan reports that high cholesterol is common with hypo-thyroid.

Good news - since starting Duke on the phenobarbital - no seizures - but then it's only been a week. Side effect - tired dog.


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