I’m (Still) Not Joel Hodgson

It's crazy the way the mind works sometimes.
MST3K – saw that abbreviation in a buzz.mn comment and thought, “Where had I seen that before?” Googled it - oh yeah, Mystery Science Theater Three Thousand, I remember that show.
That brought back another memory – how I was once mistaken for MST3K host Joel Hodgson. He’s a Twin Cities guy from way back – comedy clubs in the 80s I believe. Anyway, I was in law school, living near Loring Park, walking home from class when a young woman stops me on the street.
“You’re Joel Hodgson right?” she asks. She’s a little flustered and kind of giggly – apparently a big fan.
“No, sorry – must look like him.”
“Wow, you really look like Joel Hodgson. Do you know him?” I never understood why just because I looked like him I should know him.
Anyway we stood there making odd conservation for a while, and I finally broke it off to go home to study.
What a nerd! She was probably using that Joel Hodgson line just to talk to me, and even if she wasn’t, I probably could have faked like I knew him anyway. No wonder I didn’t get married until I was 32 – not the best at detecting the signals.
Anyway that was all B.S. – Before Shana that is.
UPDATE: Just found this via MNSpeak: Powered by the orginal cast of MST3K - a new venture, "Cinematic Titanic". Good luck Joel - you good lookin' guy.