The "Dad Project"

[American Infantryman of the 89th Division prepare to cross the Rhine.]
This “Dad Project” is lots of fun. Despite his rather sketchy use of dates, names, etc. I’m beginning to piece things together. My goal is to create a rather short booklet that describes his time in the service combining narrative from his journal entries, my own text to “bridge the gaps” and photos (scans of his own) and others found on the web – like the one above of the 89th Division preparing to cross the Rhine.
It's easy to find material on the different Divisions, but that's not too helpful as a Division is made up of 10,000 to 15,000 soldiers. So while I know he had to cross the Rhine - I recall him mentioning that, I keep digging further to find what I can about the smaller units he served in - - like his Regiment (353rd), Battallion (2nd), Company (E), Platoon (4th), or even his squad (the basic unit of 9 to 10 guys led by Sgt. Hammer of Texas - that much I know).
I hope to make additional progress over Thanksgiving when the Gisselquist clan gathers at my brother’s home.