Prairie Overnight

The classes at the Dude's school are all given "habitat-type" names. The Dude's class is called "Prairie". They enjoyed their annual overnight trip Thursday/Friday at Camp Pepin - on Deer Island at Lake Pepin in the Mississippi River. The weather was beautiful - and the kids (15 in number) were great. I'm kind of pooped right now - and hope to get a little more sleep tonight than last night.

[Consulting the rings on a tree.]

[The Dude and a buddy use all their senses -- but sight-- to learn more about trees.]

[Rock hunting - one of the Dads knew a thing or two about rocks, so we spent much of our free time at "the beach" looking for agates.]

[Hmm - Smores!]

[A very tired "Prairie" awaits further instruction.]

Fun fact: We tasted the needles of both White Pine and Red Pine trees. The group as a whole preferred the White Pine over the Red.


amy said…
Oh, looks like fun! I always LOVED those school camping trips! Not sure I would/will like them so much as a parent, though. Did you guys learn to tell the difference between white and red pine (other than the taste?) Which has 3 and which has 5 needles per bunch?
John G. said…
Yes we did. White pine is the one with 5 needles in the clump - - which is easy to remember because "White" as 5 letters. Red Pine has 2 needles .

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