
Showing posts from July, 2004

Why I "Play" the Guitar

Aches and Pains - and Linking

Say It Ain't So

Abusing Time?

Archie Sucks?

Wither High School?

Poetry Anyone?

Sweating Shins

How it All Started


Doing Some George Work

Where Have All the Milers Gone?


Keeping Up With the Beatles

Management by Baseball

Notepad = Geek

Living in Harmony

Too Much of a Good Thing?

Beatles - history - to round out week

Song Sparrow

I Didn't See That Coming

Light Rail Update


Coffee - Nectar of the Gods

When He's 64

Abandon Internet Explorer?

47 Years Ago Today

A Blogging Dog

Yikes - Not a Happy Meal

TSH = 2.99

Transit Envy? Thoughts on Light Rail

At Least I Didn't Fart