Sunshine, Sniffles, and Downward Dog

OK - I get annoyed when people don't post regularly, so I better do the same myself. Went out for walk at noon. It's the kind of day when it's hard to return to your desk. Sunny, light breeze, in the low 60s at the time.

Family on the mend: Dude on antibiotics and S is snuffling along. I felt a little under-the-weather (tired, swollen glands) yesterday, but seem to be feeling better today. Must be my Yoga.

S received yoga "stuff" for her birthday: video, DVD, along with mat and other props. I've started using them regularly (about 30 minutes each am), and I think it's working. I have become more flexible, my posture has improved, and I actually enjoy the down-ward facing dog. Still can't run worth beans, but I try to walk every day and that works fine.


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