My Son - Rescue Hero

Drove the Dude to pre-school today. With partly-sunny skies and a predicted high of 75, many would be surprised to see him in his winter boots! But not those who know him in his new role - Rescue Hero. Apparently a Rescue Hero always wears boots - and a walkie-talkie on his belt. I carried along a pair of tennis-shoes, despite his insistence that he would not wear them. "Rescue Heroes don't wear tennis-shoes, they wear boots." I am able to get him to remove the walkie-talkie during class. We stash it in his "cubbie". I've convinced him that others will answer the call when he's "off duty".


amy said…
Hadn't heard this one....cracks me up and explains the picture with the winter boots at the cabin...funny I didn't think too much of it because it was THE CABIN in MAY and boots aren't a far stretch...

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