Thank you Friends School Plant Sale

John and I spent the better part of Saturday digging (let’s say “creating”) a new butterfly garden. He has been obsessed for some time about having his own garden. For the most part, we’ve been putting him off by encouraging him to help us in the existing gardens, or giving him a little space in the planters alongside the front steps.
This year was it. We were going to help him create some of his truly own garden space. It had to be totally new – and that meant digging up sod.
John decided it would be a butterfly garden – the sort of garden whose plants attract butterflies. He began researching online and consulting with experts, Shana and Helen (my mother-in-law). He poured over the Friends School Plant Sale Catalog, planning his purchases. Last week he bought the necessary plants, and this week it was time to dig.
He drew diagrams; he plotted it out in the yard. The boundaries were moved several times over the past week, until we found the ideal location – it needs lots of sun. I contacted the utility digging folks who marked out the necessary no-dig areas.
Work began around 11:00 a.m. on Saturday and we didn’t wrap up until around 5:00 p.m. We dug it out the old-fashioned way with garden spades. This left both John and I with lots of aches and pains – even my hands and fingers hurt! But the feeling of smug, self-satisfaction we both felt upon completion was priceless.
I think it looks pretty nice. The tree is a dwarf, tart cherry, and even though I helped plant, I don’t recall all the new plants, some milkweed, wild bergamot, and others. Some could say it’s too close to the swing-set, but Shana and the kids have mentioned selling that. I’m not sure I can part with it (a subject of another post I’m sure).
Also noted – Shana has the vegetable garden completely planted – the earliest on record. We have some of the usual, tomatoes, beans, along with some new ones – also from the Friends School Plant Sale. New this year are kale, onions – and others I’m sure (but Shana can add those in the comments).
Tomatoes: Plum Lemon, Paul Robeson and a variety pack of heirlooms.
Onion: regular green onions and Egyptian Walking Onion. (Sounds too interesting to pass up.)
Swish Chard
Japenese Egglplant
True Cranberry Beans
Wax Beans