Loonies and Posturers

As one trained in The Law, I've followed the recent calls to impeach various members of the federal judiciary with some interest. It's a bit scary to hear members of Congress call for the impeachment and dismissal of judges who they think are "wrong". Judicial activism always has it's proponents and opponents. In my lifetime I've seen the pendulum swing from "Impeach Earl Warren" to "Impeach Justice Kennedy".

Law School Professors and Bloggers:

Glenn Reynolds, the Instapundit, and law school professor at glennreynolds.com his MSNBC home:
If people are unhappy with the judiciary, they need to think about how to fix it, using the Constitutional methods for doing so. You'll be able to tell the loonies and the posturers from the serious ones by whether they discuss specific reforms, or just fire unaimed broadsides at the judiciary as a whole. I hope that there will be fewer of those than there seem to be, now.

Ann Althouse, University of Wisc Law Prof, comments on yesterday's testimony by Justice Anthony Kennedy:
But I love the cool, measured response that models judicial demeanor. It helps people see that judges function in a different way from politicians, even though the politicians are pushing the proposition that they don't.


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