Bleak, Bright Spring
Here's a photo from the walking path taken today around noon. It's getting warmer but when you look up at the trees, spring seems a long way off. Of course it helps that half the trees in this photo are dead - the ones in back. They died when what was once woods flooded to create a small swamp alongside the walking path. Anyway - no trees are budding yet.
Today I learned the value of patience, of waiting - and perhaps even delay. Without getting into the boring details I can sum the situation up like this: Yesterday's crisis resulted in a quick untested fix that ended up breaking stuff we hadn't ancipated. We spent most of today rolling back the changes and scrambling to set things right.
We're not done yet - but almost there.
Twenty-four hours later - countless person hours of work - and we are back where we started before we attempted to "fix" the problem.
My advice for the next crisis: Stop, think, better yet, delay.