State Fair 2008

I love the Fair, but won't waste a lot of typing time trying to convince non-believers what makes the Minnesota State Fair so great. You either "get it" or you don't.

The Hobbled Family spent most of Saturday at the Fair. The older the kids get, the harder it is to see all we want to see in one day. Lucky for M she is going back today with her girlfriends. Finally she can go on the Midway rides, not the Kidway rides her little brother favors.

Highlight of the day - while M and I sat on a wall outside the Horticulture building eating french fries we had clear view of both Al Franken and the Back Street Boys. Franken's booth is directly across the street from KDWB. The BSB were performing at the Grandstand on Saturday night and were making a promotion appearance at the radio station over the noon hour. Don't know much about the Boys (in fact, I don't know a single song) but they sure attracted a lot of screaming girls - more than Franken did.
