Fergus Falls - They Ain't No Fargo

This recent news gives me an excellent reason to post this picture taken last week during a little side-trip to Fergus Falls. But really - do I need a reason to post this picture? Probably not, but here goes:
FERGUS FALLS, Minn. - The Fergus Falls City Council is turning thumbs down on allowing a movie to be filmed at a former state hospital.
Do they fear they will become the next Fargo, which some feel was slighted by the Coen brothers movie. Can't comment myself as I never saw Fargo - the movie that is. I've seen the city.
Buzz.mn comments on the "fracas":
That said, Fergus Falls is a nice part of the state, even though the name of the town sounds like what happens when Fergus drinks too much.
We were in "The Falls" as I'll call it to see the Friends of the Prairie Wetlands Learning Center. I'm calling it "The Falls" rather than the local moniker "Fergus" - as that sounds too much like Vergas (pop. 311) where I also spend a lot of time.
My two-cents: Lovely town, enjoyed lunch at the Viking Cafe, and dessert later at Dairyland.
