Wished He Was a Unitarian?

Kerry stumbles into the "Good works" vs. "Faith alone" controversy. Is that Martin Luther I hear rolling over in his grave? From Kill the Buddha:
For the American politician working the stump, there is seldom anything risky about quoting scripture. The word of God oozing from a candidate’s lips is as predictable as the ensuing chicken and peas dinner, and has traditionally been one of the most effortless ways of winning over a mob of American voters. Unless -- and this is a full-size unless -- one happens to be a Roman Catholic who quotes a certain verse from the Epistle of James (2:14, to be exact), which Sen. John. Kerry did last Sunday, March 28, in St. Louis. . . .

And of course the Pope is now mad at Kerry on the abortion question.
Word of Sen. Kerry’s heresy has made its way back to the Rome, where a Vatican official recently told Time magazine that “People in Rome are becoming more and more aware that there’s a problem with John Kerry, and a potential scandal with his apparent profession of his Catholic faith and some of his stances, particularly abortion.” Sen. Kerry must sometimes wish he were a Unitarian.
[Emphasis mine.]

This certainly won't rise to the level of "Christmas in Cambodia" or the Swiftboat Veteran controversies, but I expect the elders on my father's side will get a kick out of it.
