Short Post

Several attempts to post a longer version of this have failed, so let's go with short and sweet.

The lack of blogging is due to my general weariness and the crazy, busy times around the Hobbled House. Will blog in more detail later (or maybe not), but it looks as if the school thing is close to resolution, decisions having been made and all that. Still need to help the Dude deal with general anxiousness about life – it’s harder than hell being 6 some days – but with the school issue closer to resolution perhaps we can focus our efforts there.

Looking for a little sunshine on a rainy day, I found this tickled my fancy. Lileks waxes nostalgic about old coins:

It’s rare to find a coin this weathered in your pocket anymore. Either they’re yanked away from sight before they erode, or they’re made of sterner stuff. I pawed through one of my coin cans earlier today, and everything looks bright and shiny. It’s almost as if coins aren’t allowed to carry the marks of human use anymore. Too bad – the smoothing of a coin is a great communal endeavor. It serves no purpose and adds no value, but the loss of detail actually suggests a million details you can’t imagine, the actions of a million fingers whose owners had many things on their minds – but each one of them stopped and looked down at this, if only for a second, to tote its worth and pass it along.

Note - I've taken to using italics for quotes because the Blogger block-quote feature indents just fine, but cuts off the lines in all sorts of weird places. Many tricks have been tried to get around the odd line breaks (and I know a lot of tricks!) but all were unsuccessful.


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