Good News

It's been some time since I posted about our former neighbor (pictured above in the Black Hills with his family) and his struggle with Hodgkins. Here's an email update:
Good news from Mark's TWO-YEAR POST-TRANSPLANT check-up at Mayo. CT shows only residual pneumonia but it's most likely inactive. He'll have a follow-up x-ray in mid-April. Dr. Zent described him as "big and tough, but delicate." His immune system is as good as it will ever be given the Hodgkins, chemo and radiation, so we have to be completely committed to a healthy lifestyle (food, exercise and sleep!). Good to be reminded. Dr. Zent also said because Mark hit the two-year mark he's considered unofficially "cured."
So, we are so blessed and grateful to God and wonderful support system. Mark is ready to move off the Prayer List at church; that's been a goal! Thanks for all of your love and care during this difficult journey.