Good Books

Haven't finished too many "grown-up" books lately, but I've finished a few really cool books geared towards the younger generation. The Dude and I recently finished Word Eater by Mary Amato. It's about a magical worm that eats only words. When you put him down on a piece of paper, he eats the words off the page. And - this is the good part - when he eats the word the thing the word represents disappears! It's fun at first when the main character uses the worm to make the class exams disappear, and certain awful items from the school lunch menu. Things get dicey when the worm starts to eat the names of living beings.
The Dude and I also read a very short - "little" kids' book - the Bunyans, by Audrey Wood, with illustrations by David Shannon. You know all about Paul and Babe - but did you know the story of his wife and kids? I didn't - lots of fun and great pictures.