Up at the Lake

It's been a pleasant day at the cabin. The “girls” left yesterday, so the Dude and I are here with Helen and Jake. We are leaving Tuesday morning.
We visited Glendalough State Park today. Shana and I last visited the park in August 2009.

The Dude and I hiked the Beaver Pond Interpretive Trail which should have been named the trail of a thousand frogs and toads. Parts of the trail were underwater, and most parts were pretty spongy. That brought out amphibians by the score. The Dude had to stop and try to catch every one. That made the 1.4 mile hike into almost a 90 minute affair.

After that one hike we called it quits and headed headed to lunch in Perham – where we ate too much at Lakes Café – should have opted out of the pie for dessert.
While they were gone I trimmed branches overhanging the lake so we will have a better view of the lake. We used a very tall step ladder set in the lake and I used this extension trimming device to make the cuts. I used muscles I haven't used since mid-winter roof-raking.
Later I engaged in some vigorous kayaking as I chased down the Dude and a cousin and her friend who had been gone "too long" in the paddle boat. It turns out they were in some far off back bay looking for wildlife and were all tuckered out so the return trip was taking three times as long as the journey out there.
We all got back just before the rain. After the rain, it's cool (throw an extra blanket on the bed tonight).
