Double Yolk

Our neighbors raise chickens. Yes, Roseville allows chickens - but they must be hens, no roosters. One of the many benefits of having chickens next door is the chance to eat very fresh eggs. I've actually worked with eggs that were still warm.

Yesterday our neighbor shared another dozen eggs. Some were so big that it made it impossible to close the egg carton. (We use old store-bought egg cartons.)

Last night I decided to scramble two eggs for M. The first thing I always notice when I cook with the neighbors eggs is the incredible size and bright yellow color of the eggs. The egg "white" appears smaller - I suspect that is due to the large yolk. These are free range chickens - well as free as they can be in the city. They come out of the coop for a while almost every day. They pick around the yard, eating seeds and bugs.

In addition to the very yellow yolks, we were stunned to see the that biggest egg (from Beauty I believe) had two yolks. The kids made me take a picture - as if I wouldn't have done so without their prompting.

Now if the city allowed Roosters, might we have had twin chicks? Sounds reasonable but I'm not a farm kid so I don't know if it works that way in the chicken world.


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