Choir Concert

[Posing for "formal" pictures.]

The Hobbled Runner is back in the game after spending most of Saturday in the horizontal position - some 24 hour stomach bug. Yuck!

Sunday afternoon was full of fun with Maria's piano recital (the pictures did not turn out?) followed by her end-of-the year Choir concert. Too tired to write much, but a picture's worth a thousand words, so here we go.

[Formal shots over, hey, "what's my brother doing over there?]

It was a crazy day for pictures - as mentioned earlier, none of the shots from the piano recital turned out. We also never got any pictures with all three grandparents, but here's a nice one of my mother, Maria, and I.

Here's one with the brother.

Finally, it's all over, time to blow off steam.


amy said…
Love this pictures! She looks so grown up!!!

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